If you need to return a product to us, we will be happy to offer a refund provided we receive your returned item(s) within 30 days of dispatch and they are still in mint condition, including unbroken (still sealed) cellophane wrapping where applicable. However, you will be responsible for the cost of returning the item to us.To return any unwanted items, please follow these instructions:
Contact us via contact@thesdeshop.com to inform us that you wish to return your item. Do not post anything back until have had an acknowledgement from ourselves. We not cover the cost of return postage via tracked or special delivery services unless specifically agreed to.
Return the product(s) to us immediately at:
Customer Returns,
the SDE shop,
PO Box 68477,
London N16 1EN
If you no longer have the original packaging, please include the name and address of the person who ordered the product and the order number in the returned package.
We will always offer you a refund or exchange on any damaged or faulty goods received. Please ensure you include a note detailing the exact nature of the damage or fault when you return your item so that we can take the appropriate action.
Please see our Terms and Conditions for full details of the SDE shop's returns policy.